
30 Day AIP Diet Challenge


It has been just over two weeks since I completed my Alopecia Awareness month challenge of posting a youtube video every day. I had such a great experience connecting with fellow Alopecians and building content that I am in need of my next challenge. I had a fat girl summer, and my gut is paying for it, but I am lacking the motivation to get my ass back on track to my healthy eating habits and drinking less, so the 30 Day AIP Diet Challenge it is!

What is the AIP Diet: I had never heard of this diet before I joined an Alopecia Areata support group on Facebook. AIP = Autoimmune Protocol. This diet eliminates food that causes inflammation weighing on your immune system. It is recommended for most autoimmune disorders, including Alopecia. The success rate is different for every person, and no research indicates it is an exact cure, but a healthy immune system is so beneficial, so really anyone can benefit from this diet. You eliminate specific food/ food groups for a few weeks (6-8 weeks is recommended), and slowly reintroduce foods back into your diet, noting what triggers inflammation. This diet is similar to Paleo but MORE restrictive. Yay!

What Foods To Avoid: The entire Alcohol food group must go, which is why I don’t see myself making this diet a lifestyle. The rest of this list is easy enough for me to avoid. What would be the hardest for you?
Nightshade Veggies
Nuts and seeds
Processed foods
Refined sugars and oils
Coffee and Chocolate
These are the major highlights. Here is a specific list of foods to avoid.

What Foods To Eat:
Meat and seafood
That’s all folks! Again here is a link for more specifics.

I will be starting this diet on Monday October 21st, for 30 days, which will take me right into the week before Thanksgiving. Perfect timing, because I am spending a week in Jamaica with my family for the holiday. I would love for you to join me on this 30 day AIP diet challenge! Comment if you are in. I’ll be posting my grocery list, so I can meal prep this weekend. We can do this together, babes! Who’s with me?!