
Coconut Hibiscus Popsicles


I am so late to the party when it comes to homemade popsicles, but now that I have my molds I am obsessed! I got mine on, there are many to choose from. I only bought one mold, but I have a feeling I will be breaking into different shapes and size molds very soon!

This recipe only has two ingredients. Coconut water and Hibiscus water You can add whatever you like, but I kept it simple for my first try. They taste delicious and are so refreshing. Here is a link to the Youtube tutorial.


1 cup coconut water
1 cup hibiscus water

You can make hibiscus water by soaking 1 cup of dried hibiscus in two cups of water for a full day in the sun, or in boiling water letting the flowers seep for and hour. Strain the water and you are good to go.

Fill your molds with half of each water and freeze. So easy and yummy!