
Lucky Charm Wands


I wanted to make my team at work something fun for St. Patrick’s day since they are such a fun bunch. I love incorporating cereal into baked goods and lucky charms couldn’t be more appropriate for this holiday. These are super easy and quick to make.

You will need:

Lucky Charms
Unsalted butter
1 heart shaped cookie cutter or 12 heart shaped silicone molds
12 straws or candy sticks
12 clear plastic gift/ goodie bags (I get mine at Michael’s)
Colored ribbon

Follow Brown Eyed Baker’s recipe for Lucky Charms treats.

You can put the treats in a pan to set and cut them with a cookie cutter or you can fill your silicone molds with the mixture to set, which is what I did.

When your treats are ready stick them with a straw. You may have to poke a hole with a knife or something sturdy if the straw isn’t strong enough to puncture through. Sprinkle some loose lucky charms into your goodie bag along with the treat. Tie a ribbon around the straw sealing it in.


They are great for traveling and will keep for a week!

If I had more time I would make the treats solely of charms!